29 дек 2018

Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)

Валентина Ким
Иван Самостаев
Иван Самостаев
кенгуру звери не из трусливых,думаю мужику сильно повезло что эта кенга не стала с ним связываться,а собаку по ходу она сильно покалечила
Оксана Левкович
Оксана Левкович
Вот это качок!!!
Людмила (Лихачёва)
Людмила (Лихачёва)
Я в шоке!
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)
Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog (Original HD)