30 дек 2018

March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)

александр жосан
александр жосан
А металофон классно соркестром звучит.
Діма Грошовський
Діма Грошовський
Та тут усе класно звучить
Валерий Чечулин
Валерий Чечулин
Мой любимый из Чернецкого...
Владимир Никитин
Владимир Никитин
состоял в репертуаре оркестра ЧВТКУ.
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)
March "Entrance of the Red Army into Budapest" (Semeon Tchernetsky)